505-847-0062 todd@ewyouthranch.org

Destroying My Enemies

Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them? Abraham Lincoln

EWYR Youth at Young Lives Ablaze

Miss Sarah and Miss Karen took seven girls to Young Lives Ablaze at Hoffmantown Baptist Church in Albuquerque. There was singing, entertainment, door prizes, and small groups where we talked about what God is doing in our lives today.  There was also a time where all...

Take the First Step

“Take the first step in faith.  You don’t have to see the whole staircase.  Just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King

Signs of Spring

The wind is blowing and we’re still wearing jackets, but spring is on its way. The trees are budding, the sun is shining and the horses are shedding. Soon it will be time for sandals, shorts and sun screen. The snow was great! I like winter. But spring is one of...

Young Lives Ablaze

On Saturday, April 10th Ms. Sarah and Ms. Karen will be taking girls to a conference at Hoffmantown Church in Albuquerque. “I Can do all tHings thRough ChrIst who StrengThens me.” Philippians 4:13 is the 2010 theme. Featured guests will beJeff Slaughter,...